COMBing Through Time



Left Mouse Button + Move - Rotate 3D Model
CTRL + Left Mouse Button + Move - Pan 3D Model
Middle Mouse Button + Move - Pan 3D Model
Mouse Wheel - Zoom In/Out
- Reset View
- Toggle Fullscreen
- Zoom In/Out
- Toggle Light control: Left Mouse Button + Move to change light direction.
- Toggle Hotspots: Click on highlighted geometries to get additional info
- Measurement mode: measure point-to-point distance on the 3D model by clicking on two points.
- Point-Picking mode: click on the model to know the XYZ coordinates of that point.
- Cut-through Sections: open the section interface to interactively cut the model along the XYZ axes.
- Saves a screenshot of the current view.

-- Credits --

DarkLab - Lund University


This virtual learning environment has been made as part of a thesis of a Master Programme in Archaeology at Lund University. The 3D models are a virtual representation of an Iron Age comb that is currently part of the Dynamic Collections Project.

The texture of the rivets is not the real texture but an interpretation. This is the same for the texture of the tine plates (not the comb teeth). These textures were made to create the best representation of the texture of the comb that were missing when digitally dividing the comb into its different parts.


- Auflegen, M. (1996). 'Beinarbeiten und Beinverarbeiting', in Städsches Reis-Museum Mannheim Die Franken - Wegbereiter Europas : vor 1500 Jahren: König Chlodwig und seine Erben, Vol. 2. Mainz: von Zabern.

- Brynja, E. (1998). Kammar från Mälardalen AD 360 - 600. Kammar från gravfält i Uppland, Södermanland och Västmanland. Utformning, kontext och kronologi. Stockholms Universitet: Arkeologiska Forskningslaboratoriet.

- Carlsson, D. (n.d.). Combs and comb making in Viking Age and Middle Ages. A short resumé. ArkeoDok, p.5, fig.

- Dunlevy, M. (1998). A Classification of Early Irish Combs. Proceeding of the Royal Irish Academy: Archaeology, Culture, History, Literature. 88C(1998). Dublin: Royal Irish Academy, pp. 341-422.

- (n.d.). Ynge järnålder | Historiske Museet. [online] Available at: (Accessed 4 Mar. 2024).

- Rosenblatt, T. (2016). The Development of the Motif and Circles in the Early Iron Age. Bowdoin Jounral of Art, Class of 2016, II(34). Maine: Bowdoin College University of Art.

- Tuohy, T. (1999). Prehistoric Combs of Antler and Bone, Vol. I. BAR British Series.

- Strömberg, M. (1961). Untersuchen zur Jüngeren Eisenzeit in Schonen. Völkwanderungszeit-Wikingzeit. I Textband. ACTA Archaeologica Lundensia, 4(4). CWK Gleerups Förlag, Lund.

- Strömberg, M. (1961). Untersuchen zur Jüngeren Eisenzeit in Schonen. Völkwanderungszeit-Wikingzeit. II Katalog und Tafeln. ACTA Archaeologica Lundensia, 4(4). CWK Gleerups Förlag, Lund.

Stories from the Comb

References and Disclaimers

This slide holds the references used during the literary study and disclaimers regarding the virtual learning environment.

More about the comb

Measured length
Plane Position Flip

Show planes Show edges