The 2015 field campaign in Kämpinge took place between the 15th to the 22 of May, carried out by the Department of Archaeology and Ancient History, Lund University. The survey was led by Jan Apel and was a continuation of the 2014 excavation of the site RAÄ 4 in Rängs sn, Kämpinge.

The general aim of the 2015 season was to clarifying whether untouched cultural layers were still preserved on the site and to document the flint technology of the site.

Of special interest was the area around Trench 4, that was initially excavated in 2014. In order to understand the stratigraphy in this area, a deep Trench was excavated with the machine (Trench 9). A prehistoric hearth, which was radiocarbon-dated to the Bronze Age was discovered in the Northern profile of Trench 9 and was partly excavated (Trench 100). This was good news since it proved that prehistoric features indeed were preserved at the site.

The stone packing in the bottom of Trench 4 could be relatively dated by pottery finds to the medieval period was uncovered and was partly excavated. Consequently, the complex, mixed stratigraphy of Trench 4 and 9, that was first observed during the 2014 field campaign, could most probably be dated to the historical period and the many flint artefacts in this area had thus been re-deposited and did not belong to an intact Mesolithic cultural layer.

During the 2015 field campaign, excavations were also continued in Trench 4 and 6. In addition, a new Trench was excavated in the southern part of the excavation area adjacent to the road (Trench 10). This trench turned out to In total, an area of xx square meters was excavated by hand and machine during the 2015 field campaign.