excavation phase 2017

This models shows contexts 1005, 1014, 1016, 1017 and 1021.
Context 1005 is a yellowish compacted sand layer covering a smaller area an filling a pit were most of the finds were concentrated |
End of excavation: the team

Excavation activities ended on the 25 th of Septrember, 2017. |
Beginning of 2019 campaign

Excavation activities started in the trench A, resumed after previous investigation. The trench was extendend in the southwestern part. |
Pothole excavation

The digging activities allowed to expose and remove completely at leas two of severa fills of the posthole. Context 1030 is a brown-yellowish fill... |
End of 2019 campaign
The excavation trench shows the floor layers 1013 and 1025 -to check- and one of the fills of the posthole context. |
Trench B Multi-context 2
Multi-context 1 is composed of contexts 1008, 1009, 1011. Context 1011 has been interpreted as a possible floorlayer. |
Trench B Multi-context 4
Multi-context 1 is composed of contexts 1009 and 1018. Context 1018 has been interpreted as an old brown horizon. |
Gullgubbar and goldring
During digging activities A great number of gloden finds have been found as Gullgubbar (gold foil figures)and rings |
Glass findsfrom context 1005
Some additional info about golden finds |
 | Text and multimedia contents about the hotspot clicked |
Gullgubbar and goldring
Some additional info about golden finds |
 | Text and multimedia contents about the hotspot clicked |